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Baronius Press Breviary Anyone?
In Community Discussion
Edward Mcintyre
Jul 13, 2021
Hello Sr. Collette. The Baronius press edition of the Roman Breviary is divided into basically six parts and Right now were praying form volume II.(1). THE ORDINARY CONSTANT PART. This is on p.83, and unless it gives you a different direction in the Proper of the season or the Proper of saints, this is your standard rule to go by. When I was first learning it, I referred to it constantly. (2). THE ORDINARY VARIABLE PART. This begins on p. 123. Unless the Proper of the season or Proper of the saints tells you otherwise you will follow this part.(3). THE PSALTER OF THE ROMAN BREVIARY. This begins on p. 186. This is arranged for each day of the week and is constant, unless it tells you differently in the Proper of the season or the Proper of the saints.(4). THE COMMON OF THE SAINTS. Begins on p. 663. The Saints fall into distinct classes, common of apostles, supreme pontiff, confessors, martyrs etc. The Proper of the saints will tell you, right underneath the saints name, the Common and the page to turn to .(5). THE PROPER OF THE SEASON. right now we are in the seventh week after Pentecost. the Proper of the season is mostly used for Matins, Lauds, and Vespers , Depending the the Office being said or the class of the office. When confused, go to chapter IV of the General Rubrics P.50 for help. (6).THE PROPER OF THE SAINTS. This begins on p. 1687. This follows the cycle of saints according to the day of the month, and will tell you what you need to know for praying in the Proper or common. I hope this helps. If you need anything else feel free to ask. God bless.

Edward Mcintyre

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